Privacy Policy

General Details

This website is owned and operated by Oxley Barnes Limited. The ways in which Oxley Barnes Limited, company number 09528299 (Oxley Barnes) collects, uses, and discloses your personal data are outlined in this privacy notice.

What data does Oxley Barnes collect?

When you use or join up for our services, Oxley Barnes may collect, handle, and use the following information that you may provide:

Name, email address, phone number, content of chat and email messages, fax numbers, information from your CV, social media account information, and any other information you give us.

When you use our website, Oxley Barnes may gather, process, and use the information listed below about you:

Your IP address, the pages you’ve visited, the links you’ve clicked, and the number of visitors.

Why do we collect your data?

Oxley Barnes uses the following methods and legal justifications to process your personal data:

Give your name, phone number, and email address in order to send you direct electronic marketing materials.
Oxley Barnes will only take this action with your permission.
• to carry out Oxley Barnes’s obligations arising from any contracts entered into between Oxley Barnes and you, such as to take payment, to enable you to contact agencies, employers, and candidates, or to list you as an agency on our website. You may opt-out of receiving this (or specific portions of this) at any time by contacting
This is required for Oxley Barnes to fulfil its obligations under the contract it has with you and to let other agencies know that they are being considered.
This is required in the legitimate interests of Oxley Barnes in order to: • send you confirmation emails or text messages to verify and confirm your contact information or other information, and to provide you with service updates; • ensure that agencies are fully aware of the value provided by the service and of the details of people who have expressed interest in contacting them.
This is required in order for Oxley Barnes to fulfil its obligations under the contract it has with you, to protect its right to provide the service, to keep you fully informed, and to make it possible for job seekers and employers to get in touch with agencies.
In order for the website to function properly, this is required in Oxley Barnes’s legitimate interests. This legitimacy is based on the benefits received by the agency and the minimal impact on them; • to get in touch with you regarding any inquiries you may have, whether they are submitted through our enquiry page, email, chat, or any other method.
In order to ensure that customer inquiries, advertising inquiries, and sales inquiries are handled and answered, this is necessary in Oxley Barnes’s legitimate interests;

• to optimise your experience with the different types of direct electronic marketing that Oxley Barnes sends you; • to improve your experience with the Oxley Barnes website and services, as doing so is in its legitimate interest to make sure you have the greatest experience possible (where you have consented to it).
Oxley Barnes justifies this action by claiming that it is in its best interest to do so in order to: • ensure that you will find the marketing interesting and useful; and • identify and stop fraud and unauthorised access to Oxley Barnes’s systems.
Oxley Barnes bases its decision to act in this way on the following: • any other purposes for which Oxley Barnes has secured your approval to act in this manner.

When creating management reports and data analyses to improve its IT systems or website, Oxley Barnes may utilise your information in an anonymous and/or aggregated form.
It may share this aggregated and/or anonymized data with third parties, but no one else will be able to identify you from it.

If Oxley Barnes has cause to believe that your personal information was submitted improperly, illegally, or criminally, it may review it.
Oxley Barnes justifies this action by stating that it is in its legitimate interest to make sure the website is utilised properly, legally, and ethically.

4. Sharing information with unaffiliated parties

Other than as described in this privacy notice, Oxley Barnes does not sell, trade, or otherwise transmit your personally identifiable information to other parties.

Your personal data is provided by Oxley Barnes:

• to specific third-party service providers who will use your personal information in accordance with this privacy statement to provide you with certain services, such as the chat service provider, the CRM system provider, Google Analytics and third parties who assist in website usage analysis:

• to other businesses in the same corporate family as Oxley Barnes; • to specific marketing agencies, internet agencies, development companies, contractors, and hosting organisations; and
These businesses will only use your personal information in the same manner that Oxley Barnes is permitted to do by this privacy statement.

Oxley Barnes only authorises third parties to process your personal data for those reasons and in line with its instructions; it does not permit them to use your personal data for their own interests.

Oxley Barnes will only transmit your personal information outside of the EEA to companies who have suitable security measures in place to protect the privacy of your personal information. To achieve this, we’ll make sure that at least one of the following measures is put in place:

• Where we use certain service providers, we may use specific contracts approved by the European Commission that give personal data the same protection it has in Europe; • Where we use providers based in the US, we may transfer data to them if they are part of the Privacy Shield; • We will only transfer your personal data to countries that have been determined by the European Commission to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data.

Your personal information will be disclosed to third parties in the following situations: • if Oxley Barnes sells or buys any business or assets, in which case Oxley Barnes will disclose your personal information to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or asset; • if Oxley Barnes is acquired by a third party for a substantial portion of its assets, in which case personal data held by it about its customers will be one of the transferred assets.
To prevent fraud and lower credit risk, this includes exchanging information with other businesses and organisations.

In order to analyse the data, Oxley Barnes may provide statistical and/or aggregated copies of your personal information to third parties.
Oxley Barnes will always make sure that any such data cannot be used to identify you.

Depending on your instructions or with your permission, Oxley Barnes may also disclose your information in other ways.

Keeping your personal info secure

Oxley Barnes has implemented the necessary security measures to guard against the unintentional loss, alteration, disclosure, or use of your personal information.
Additionally, it restricts access to your personal information to those personnel, representatives, contractors, and other third parties who need to know in order to perform their jobs and in a manner consistent with this privacy notice.
They will only handle your personal information as directed by Oxley Barnes.

When it is legally compelled to do so, Oxley Barnes will notify you and any relevant regulator of a breach and will have processes in place to deal with any suspected personal data breach.

You are crucial to the security of your information.
Please email if you have any cause to suspect that the security of your interactions has been compromised.

Keeping your personal information

Your information will be kept by Oxley Barnes in compliance with its data retention policy.
It might also keep your information for longer if it needs to in order to fulfil any legal or regulatory obligations (such as retaining certain records for VAT purposes), conduct audits, find and stop fraud, enforce contracts, or settle any disputes.

The amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure, the reasons why Oxley Barnes processes your personal data and whether those reasons can be satisfied by other means, and the relevant legal requirements are all taken into account when determining the appropriate retention period for personal data.


Your Rights

You have the right to revoke your consent at any time when Oxley Barnes is relying on it as a requirement for processing your personal data, such as when sending you electronic direct marketing.

Regarding your personal data, you are legally entitled to a number of rights.
You have the right, among other things, to: • object to direct marketing communications at any time; • request and obtain access to your personal data; • have your personal data rectified or erased, under certain conditions; • object to or restrict the processing of your personal data; and • have your personal data stored in a way that allows it to be portable from the environment where it is stored by Oxley Barnes to another environment.


You can configure your browser to inform you when websites access or set cookies, or to reject all or some browser cookies.
Please be aware that some portions of our website may become inaccessible or malfunction if you disable or reject cookies.

When you visit a website, a cookie is a little information file delivered to your computer, mobile device, or other device that helps the website recognise your device when you return.
These kinds of files do a variety of tasks, including remembering your choices and preferences, enhancing your site experience, and making sure that the advertisements or offers you see online are more pertinent to you.
There are four different categories of these “cookies,” each of which is described below.

Strictly necessary cookies are in Category 1.

These cookies are necessary for the Oxley Barnes website to work effectively, including remembering your information and granting you access to secure or restricted portions of the website.

Performance Cookies, category 2.

This type gathers anonymous data on site usage, and the data is combined with that of other users to help Oxley Barnes improve the way the site works.
They enable Oxley Barnes to identify and tally the number of visitors as well as track how they navigate our website while using it.

For instance, the website uses Google Analytics cookies to assist Oxley Barnes in better understanding how customers access, browse, and use the website, as well as to identify areas that may be improved, such as the site’s navigation, the purchasing experience, and marketing initiatives.
These cookies never store information that reveals personal information that may be used to identify you specifically.

By ensuring that users can quickly locate what they’re looking for, for instance, these cookies assist Oxley Barnes in improving the functionality of its website.

Functionality Cookies, category 3.

These are used to personalise content and remember your preferences as well as recognise you when you return to the website.
These can then be utilised to give you a more customised and enjoyable experience that is more in line with your choices.

Category 4: Advertising or cookie targeting

To make advertising more relevant to you and your interests, these cookies gather data about your browsing habits.
They keep track of the websites you’ve been to and the links you’ve clicked.
This is done to increase the relevance of the website and the advertisements to your interests.
Aside from marketers, this information is also disclosed to third parties.

Privacy Notice Changes

Any modifications made by Oxley Barnes to this privacy notice will be noted on this website.

The last time this privacy notice was updated was on February 01, 2023.

10. Contact

Please email if you have any questions or concerns about this privacy notice or any of the rights outlined above.