Veolia Appoints Julia Marton-Lefèvre to Board of Directors

Following the nominations committee’s proposal, the Veolia board of directors resolved to present many specific amendments to the general assembly on April 25, 2024, as mentioned below. The board of directors met on March 12, 2024.

It is critical that Veolia’s board of directors be diverse since it offers a range of viewpoints, experiences, and abilities. The board can better comprehend and address the potential and problems of the international marketplaces in which the firm works by adding members of various nationalities. According to this vision, the board will have 15 members from six nationalities, with a majority of 54.5% female directors, if the resolutions of the annual general assembly on April 25, 2024, are accepted in accordance with the recommendations.

Changes to the board of directors’ composition that are being suggested:

Ms. Julia Marton-Lefèvre’s appointment as a director. Both French and American by nationality, Ms. Julia Marton-Lefèvre has held prestigious executive positions in academic institutions (University for Peace at Costa Rica, Yale University, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Switzerland), international organizations (UNESCO, International Council for Science), and environmental organizations. Her eight-year tenure as head of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was the culmination of her career. Additionally, she worked with the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) in non-executive capacities. She presently serves as president of the following organizations: the Wildlife Conservation Society Board of Trustees; the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement Executive Committee; the Villars Institute; the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT; the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) Advisory Board; and the Tyler Prize Executive Committee.

Renewing their mandates as directors of Ms. Isabelle Courville and Mr. Guillaume Texier, whose terms end on April 25, 2024, without Ms. Nathalie Rachou’s request
The general assembly has appointed Mr. Guillaume Texier as the chairman of the accounting and audit committee, subject to his renewal as a director. Ms. Nathalie Rachou will be replaced in this role.
The following appointments will take effect from the general assembly on April 25, 2024, as a result of Ms. Maryse Aulagnon’s loss of independence from the same assembly:

In the event that the chairman is unable or ill, Mr. Pierre-André de Chalendar, lead director, will preside over the board of directors;

As the chairman of the compensation committee, Mr. Olivier Andriès.
The Board of Directors extends its sincere gratitude to Ms. Nathalie Rachou for her twelve years of service to the organization, especially for her participation in the special committee established during the Suez merger project.

The Veolia Group wants to set the standard for environmentally conscious business practices. With about 218,000 workers spread across five continents, the Group creates and implements energy, waste, and water management solutions that are helping to drastically improve the state of affairs. Veolia contributes to resource development, preservation, and renewal through its three complimentary activities. The Veolia group produced 42 million megawatt hours of electricity, handled 63 million tonnes of garbage, and supplied 103 million people with sanitation and drinking water in 2023. In 2023, Veolia Environnement, also known as Paris Euronext: VIE, generated 45,351 million euros in total sales.
