Dr. Michael Paul Joins Seek Labs Board, Elevating Healthcare Innovations

Michael Paul, PhD, has been appointed to the board of directors of Seek Labs, a healthcare innovations firm that creates new CRISPR-based gene therapies and next-generation molecular diagnostic systems. The position takes effect on March 18, 2024. Dr. Paul accelerates Seek Labs’ growth, strategic initiatives, and research with his decades of experience in health sciences innovation, capital formation, and management. He also offers visionary leadership and industry insight to the table.

Dr. Paul’s innovative ideas and astute leadership have brought substantial benefits to the life sciences sector. Dr. Paul is a great asset to the Seek Labs board because of his wide experience navigating the industry’s intricacies and his track record of securing funding, promoting growth, and bringing about transformation.

Dr. Michael Paul is a privilege to have on our board, according to CEO Jared Bauer. With his wealth of experience in our sector and his visionary leadership in life sciences innovation and management, Michael Paul will offer new ideas and views as we continue to promote innovation and technological advancement while also refining our plan for product commercialization. We’re excited to use Michael’s experience to advance Seek Labs.

At MARAbio, a precision immunology biotechnology firm, Dr. Paul serves as CEO, President, and Director. The company is commercializing cutting-edge technologies to identify Maternal Autoantibody Related Autism (MARA), an autoimmune subtype of autism linked to more severe versions of the disorder. Dr. Paul co-founded Lineagen, Inc. in 2006 and served as its president, CEO, and director from the company’s inception through its commercial expansion and until its strategic acquisition in 2020. This was prior to his appointment as MARAbio’s CEO. After graduating from Colby College with a BA, he continued on to the University of Utah to pursue a PhD in molecular biology and biochemistry.

Dr. Paul expressed his excitement at joining the Seek Labs Board of Directors, a firm that is leading the way in pharmaceutical and diagnostic innovation. In order to accelerate Seek Labs’ influence in the life sciences sector and support the firm in realizing its compelling strategic vision and purpose to enhance global health, he was excited to work with the board and management team in concert.

Former Governor Michael O. Leavitt named Dr. Paul to the Utah Technology Industry Commission because he is widely regarded as one of Utah’s top entrepreneurs. Additionally, he was the Utah Technology Council’s vice chairman. Dr. Paul was recognized as a Utah 100 Winner by MountainWest Capital Network and was a finalist for E&Y’s 2018 Entrepreneur of the Year award.

The goal of Seek Labs is to promote scientific advancement and global solutions. Seek Labs works to develop cutting-edge medical solutions that close the gaps that exist between patients, providers, and therapies. Our founders’ passion and firm conviction that healthcare solutions should empower people and meet their unique requirements are what bind Seek Labs together. Seek Labs is currently creating novel approaches for point-of-care diagnostics and CRISPR-based pharmaceutical technologies that have the potential to completely transform the identification and treatment of diseases, following years of experimentation, failure, and breakthrough.

Salt Lake City, Utah, is home to Seek Labs’ corporate office. As a proud representative of Utah’s life science and healthcare innovation environment, Seek Labs is a part of the BioHive collective. BioHive is committed to finding ways that our work may improve the quality of life for our patients, teams, and community.
