He is appointed as an independent Non-Executive Director.Maggie serves as the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of EOS, an organization that specializes in transaction advisory services. Before establishing EOS, she held the position of Head of UK Transaction Services at KPMG, where she also held a Board membership and presided over the Audit Committee, in addition to serving on the Risk and Remuneration Committees.Maggie has more than two decades of experience undertaking business transformation initiatives and complex transactions on behalf of private equity firms and corporations. Additionally, she possesses substantial expertise in the private and public sectors, including aerospace and defense.As of 1 April 2024, Maggie will additionally be appointed to the Audit, Remuneration, and Nomination Committees.In regard to Maggie Brereton, no additional information is required to be disclosed per Listing Rule 9.6.13.Changes in Non-Executive DirectorsAccording to the annual report published on 21 November 2023, Chloe Ponsonby announced her intention to resign from the Board in 2024, following serving as a Non-Executive Director for eight years. The reason for her departure is an expansion of her executive obligations.On 31 March 2024, Chloe Ponsonby will resign from her position on the Board. Chloe will be succeeded as Chair of the Remuneration Committee by Victor Chavez, and in addition to her current position as Chair of the Audit Committee, Chloe will be succeeded as Senior Independent Director by Bindi Foyle.
Avon Protection plc is delighted to announce the appointment of Maggie Brereton