The near-term, low-cost uranium developer, Neo Energy Metals Ltd, is happy to announce that Quinton van der Burgh has been appointed to the board as a non-executive director

This appointment will take effect after the AGM, which is scheduled to take place on March 8, 2024.

One of South Africa’s top mining serial entrepreneurs is Mr. van der Burgh. He is the creator and CEO of Q Global Commodities, one of the biggest privately held mining companies in South Africa. Under his leadership, the company has built over 45 mines across Sub-Saharan Africa, taking it from a greenfield site to production and material exports to the world’s commodity markets. Through direct equity investments, partnerships, and co-development agreements with several up-and-coming mining and exploration companies—including Neo Energy, in which it is a cornerstone investor—QGC is actively growing its metal mining holdings throughout Southern and East Africa.

Additionally, Mr. van der Burgh has helped over 415,000 South Africans exercise their human right to water by providing safe and clean drinking water to communities and schools throughout Southern Africa through his foundation, QVDBF, and his affiliation with and ownership in Generosity Water. The foundation also supports other initiatives that aim to close the skills gap in impoverished areas and provide chosen applicants with the financial support they require to start again, whether it be paying off credit card debt or covering medical or educational expenses.

On March 8, 2024, Quinton will join Neo Energy as a Non-Executive Director. This is a significant milestone as the company looks to advance its ambition to become a major supplier to the rapidly expanding uranium sector. Neo Energy CEO Sean Heathcote expressed excitement about having Quinton join the team. We are thankful for the support his business, QGC, has given Neo Energy as a cornerstone investor. We are fortunate to have discovered someone of his caliber with years of operating expertise, industry understanding, and broad network.

Although Quinton’s business endeavors have undoubtedly brought him a great deal of goodwill, he has also positively impacted the lives of many Africans through his work with his foundation, QVDBF. The rest of the Neo Energy team shares these sustainable values as we strive to provide value to all stakeholders.

We have set ambitious goals to get our low-cost uranium mine, Henkries, in South Africa closer to a two-year production schedule. Over the next few months, we look forward to providing regular updates on the Company’s progress.

He was looking forward to helping shape the future of Neo Energy, working with its team to take advantage of the strong uranium market as it moves Henkries towards production, stated Quinton van der Burgh. We are committed to supporting and contributing to the global de-carbonization drive. He added that he was excited to explore other exciting opportunities that align with our commitment.
